Best Above Ground Pool Guide

Confer Plastics A-Frame 7200 Ladder

Confer Plastics A-Frame 7200The Confer Plastics A-Frame 7200 is designed for use with above ground pools. The ladders adjustable parts ensure it will fit any pool snugly, regardless of height.

Those with children will always want to keep their pool as safe as possible. The Confer Plastics A-Frame 7200 features a roll guard barrier to stop children entering the pool when you don’t want them to have access.

Stand-Out Features Of The Confer Plastics A-Frame 7200

  • Easily Adjustable: The 7200 is easy to adjust and will fit virtually any above ground pool up to a height of 56 inches tall, more than enough for most pools on the market today.
  • Safety: Roll Guard Barrier ensures children won’t be able to use the ladder when you are not around. A padlock is included with the ladder, giving you peace of mind at all times.
  • Weight Capacity: The Confer Plastics A-Frame 7200 can hold up to 300lbs at a time, making it sturdy enough for the majority of adults.

Confer Plastics A-Frame 7200 Above Ground Pool Ladder


  • Very easy to assemble, should take you no longer than 30-60 minutes. 
  • Safety features make it perfect for those who have young children.
  • The roll guard comes with a pad lock included so you never have to worry about the children when not present.
  • The ladder can be filled with water to stop if from floating up, a job that takes a few minutes at most.
  • Ladder has no anchors (must be filled with water)


The Confer Plastics A-Frame 7200 is a great ladder that excels in both functionality and safety. The safety features of this ladder makes it stand out amongst many other on the market and the included padlock is a nice touch. The only real issue anyone seems to have with this ladder is the sturdiness of it, however, if the ladder is correctly filled with water this really shouldn’t be an issue.

9.3 Total Score
A-Frame Ladder That Offers Great Security

The Confer Plastics A-Frame 7200 excels when it comes to safety and security, if you have children who you don't want to have access to the pool then this is a great choice of ladder thanks to its Roll Guard Barrier.

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